Manual Pigging System
Manually Operated System
Inline's inexpensive manual system is designed to enhance production efficiency. A typical system consists of an Inline Launcher, installed just down stream from the pump and a receiver to catch the pig at the end of the run. The receiver could be in-line, allowing the product to bypass or after the run to allow the pig out of the product flow. Sensors placed on the line will register the presence or passing of the pig and relate that information by visual indication or by sending an electronic signal.
The propellant for the pig (air, water, product etc.) is introduced, pushing the pig and the residual product to the receiver. The pig would then be removed at the receiver or pushed back, by propellant to the launcher.
Inline Services, Inc., PO Box 40877, Houston, TX 77280-0663. Tel: 713-973-0079; Fax: 713-973-6614.